Sunset on the Nile, January 1981 - crg
I offer four meditations
from my book Communion of Life that celebrates the gifts of earth,
air, water and fire. You will better understand how Celtic spirituality and
Celtic Christianity deeply touch me.
Cycle One: Day
1 Earth
Sacred earth :
Holding us fast,
Whirling to keep us steady,
Shifting axis to temper climate,
Yielding nutrients of life.
Holy ground :
A grassy belly cradling us in rest,
A rounded, rocky bosom inspiring dreamers,
A birth canal whose current is destiny.
Grateful, grateful am I,
To stand, to sit, to lie on you,
To ride, to sail, to drive on you,
To look down, to look up, to look out
And see you there.
Sacred ground,
I remove my shoes in reverence.
Cycle Three:
Day 10 Air
The sun’s glory
Wraps around us,
Dives into valleys,
Peaks behind ridges,
Slinks through city streets,
Explodes on beaches
As if through thin air.
The sun’s grandeur
Glows green through branches,
Bounces lavender off irises,
Mushrooms grey above factories,
Canopies blue on clear days,
Gilds with age,
As if through thin air.
The sun’s gospel
Proclaimed to earth’s ends
Effortlessly, gracefully,
Baptizing us all,
Just and unjust,
Believer and nonbeliever,
Grateful and ungrateful,
Enlightened and unenlightened—
Immersing us all
In our star’s splashing splendor
As if through thin air.
Cycle Two: Day
7 Water
You live within me—
In my eyes, in my flesh,
In my thoughts, in my movements :
My liquidity.
You cleanse me inside and out,
Rinsing each cell,
Flushing out toxins,
Boiling out sweat,
Crying out grief.
Most of me is you.
Before air, I knew you,
Bundled by embryonic fluids :
Echo of primordial waters
Where first were fused
Earth, air, water, fire,
The things that make for life.
As you held me,
Now I hold you,
Precious, unasked gift from eternity—
Living water.
Eleven: Day 44 Fire
You have been the center of our dance.
From bonfires ablaze to candles flickering,
Wildly we have swung around you,
Howling, shouting, singing, chanting,
Igniting our passion for uniting
For war, for the hunt, for community, for the
Flame mesmerized by flame :
Our burning, restless insides
Stretch outside unfired clay
For flames of unity, at-one-ment in
immolation :
The burning flash of bullets and bombs,
The stinging, fatal wound by carnivores,
The searing of the heretic at the stake,
The burnt offering of sacrifice.
Attacking the enemy,
Devouring our prey,
Excommunicating the stranger,
Slaughtering a scapegoat
Do not make us one.
We are one—
With one another and the gods,
With the enemy, the prey, the stranger, the
Clay lamps burning with the same divine starstuff
That prompts bowing in reverence and awe
Before one another.
know more about how the book came to be, see my earlier post “Communion of Life.”
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