Wednesday, April 8, 2020


In the midst of the pandemic, I have been grateful to see these signs of life in our neighborhood:

Baby frog on our deck

Our neighbors across the street thank first responders.

The Atlanta BeltLine advises social distancing.

Neighbors Jonathan and Gabriela created a labyrinth on the BeltLine.

Church via Zoom

Luna our neighbor with Jenelle our pastor.
Lizard on our front porch pillows.

BeltLine art.
To Life, a toast for Passover!  To Resurrection, a toast for Easter! 
Be safe, be well, look for the signs of life in your neighborhood!
with gratitude for each of you, Chris and Wade

I was invited to contribute a meditation for Maundy Thursday to Ashes to Rainbows: A Queer Lenten Devotional that includes meditations for Ash Wednesday, the Sundays of Lent, and the days of Holy Week. Go to:


  1. Hi, Chris. Thank you so much for posting these photos. I think I drove through the neighborhood party a few Fridays ago. And I walked the labrynth Sunday before last when Libby and I took a short walk on the Beltline. I hope you and Wade are doing well and are staying safe. Take care, Charlene

    1. We continue our neighborhood walks, including, some days, the BeltLine. And I still run on the BeltLine near us, because there's little foot traffic. I saw you drive by our street party. Wishing you and Libby continued health and well-being!

    2. For some reason,the photo of the street party with family clusters more than ten feet apart has been removed, not quite sure why. Several other photos were removed, but seeing no reason not to have them, I have included them once more.
