The world is too much with us; late and soon,Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.–William Wordsworth, 1802
The world is too much with us, and there has never been so much world. –Saul Bellow, 1959
To say that the world is too much with us is meaningless for there is no longer any us. The world is everything. … What is happening everywhere is, one way or another, known to everyone. Shadowy world tides wash human nerve endings in the remotest corners of the earth. –Saul Bellow, 1975
think of us now, forty years later, awash in the internet, 24/7 news cycles,
and countless means of communication!
me, Martin Amis, for stripping these quotes out of your recent profound and complex review of the late novelist Saul Bellow’s collection of non-fiction, There Is Simply Too Much to Think About,
edited by Benjamin Taylor. But I wanted to share with my readers that what you identify as a literary problem is also a spiritual
one with which most of us are familiar.
I daresay you might agree.
identify “distraction,” “noise,” and “crisis chatter” as themes of this “pruned
and expanded” version of Bellow’s 1994 collection, It All Adds Up. My readers bear witness to those themes in
everything from the media to politics, as well as some expressions of worship
and religion. But, as you write, quoting Bellow:
“It is apparently in the nature of the creature to resist the world’s triumph,” the triumph of “turbulence and agitation”—and Bellow’s corpus is graphic proof of that defiance.
Just, as you say, channeling Bellow, the writer
must not lose “eternal naïveté,” always seeing as if for the first time, the
reader should welcome George
Santayana’s understanding of “piety” as “reverence for the sources of one’s
you describe as Bellow’s implication that “the essential didactic task is to
instill the readerly habits of enthusiasm, gratitude and awe” without falling
prey to over-interpretation of literary texts should be heard by all who
interpret sacred texts.
has checked and chastened my own earnestness when it comes to things religious and
academic are family members, friends, lovers, congregants, and colleagues whose
common sense often makes me laugh at my own seriousness, even if I simply think what they might say! As you finally quote artist and critic Clive
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. Those who lack humor are without judgment and should be trusted with nothing.
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